Accommodation and Tenancy

Secure Your Stable and Accessible Living Space

Accommodation / Tenancy services—designed with your unique needs and aspirations in mind. We are here to provide thorough help at every stage because we recognise that locating and keeping proper accommodation may be a considerable challenge. Get help finding accessible housing alternatives, as well as educating people on their rights as tenants, money management, and everyday living skills. We accompany you on this journey, ensuring that every step leads to a home that fosters your dreams and celebrates your strengths. We place a great emphasis on empowerment, inclusivity, and individual well-being.

Housing Search and Placement

When looking for specialised lodgings, people with disabilities may struggle to navigate the correct housing alternatives. Our thorough and individualised housing search and placement service goes above and beyond the search process. To start, we have extensive discussions with each person to learn about their particular preferences, way of life, and needs. And then make suggestions based on evaluation and individual preferences, stressing the advantages of each option.

Financial Management

Our Financial Command service empowers individuals to effectively manage their finances, ensuring that housing remains a cornerstone of stability, ensuring that housing remains a stable and sustainable part of their lives. We clarify financial obligations tied to housing, encompassing utilities, insurance, and incidental expenses. This also includes setting aside funds for future needs, emergencies, and long-term goals.

Seamless Transition

Transitioning to a new living environment is a significant step that requires careful planning and support, especially for individuals with disabilities. Our Transition Planning service is a comprehensive approach designed to facilitate a seamless move and adjustment for those transitioning from residential facilities or other settings. We aim to promote independence, ensuring that individuals feel empowered to take ownership of their new living situation and navigate it with confidence.

Cultivating Health and Safety

For individuals with disabilities, a living space that prioritises health and safety is non-negotiable. Our Health and Safety service is devoted to offering comprehensive guidance for crafting a secure, nurturing living space. With specific accessibility requirements in mind, we provide insights into arranging furnishings and objects for unimpeded movement, accommodating mobility aids, and eliminating potential obstacles.

Ready to Find Your Perfect Home?

Discover the freedom of a comfortable and nurturing living environment with Accommodation / Tenancy services. Connect with Lily Healthcare today to start your path towards a place you can truly call home.